اخر الاخبار


Orthodontics Diploma احصل على زمالة الاتحاد العالمي لتقويم الاسنان وعضويه من الجمعيه الامريكيه للتقويم

Orthodontics Diploma

لكل طبيب اسنان يرغب في التميز في هذا المجال نتيح لك الحصول علي عضوية الجمعية الامريكية لتقويم الاسنان والحصول ايضا علي زمالة الجمعية الامريكية لتقويم الاسنان  نقدم :

   Orthodontics Diploma With featured lecturer Dr. Mohamed Hilmi

تميـــــــــــــــز وانفراد وحصري :

*تتميز الاكاديمية انها تقدم للمتدربين لديها تدريب عملي علي 5 حالات لتقويم الاسنان .
* تلتزم الاكاديمية ان توفر  الادوان والمعدات والعيادة الازمة للتدريب العملي .
*أقوى تدريب في الوطن العربي لدبلومة الاورثوا  .
*يقوم بالتدريب الدكتور المميز في تقويم الاسنان د. محمد حلمي .
*اعتمادات عالمية  موثقه من الخارجيه المصريه .

*يمكن توثيق الشهاده من اى سفاره دوله عربيه او اجنبيه بمصاريف اضافيه .
* دعم مستمر بعد التدريب : الأكاديمية الوحيدة في العالم العربي التي تقدم هذه الخدمة وباحتراف
* يحصل المتدرب علي حقائب تدريبية مميزة .
* قاعة صوتية ومرئية بدعم فني على أعلى مستوى مخصصة لبرامج المدربين ونقدم لكم الخدمة بها بالمجان .

معنا نصل بك الي ان تكون طبيب اسنان محترف في تقويم الاسنان مع المتابعة مع د.محمد حلمي

Accreditation :

At the end of the student gets diploma after passing the exam on the final evaluation Diploma in Orthodontics:

**Fellow of the World Federation of Orthodontists
**The membership of the American Association of Orthodontists
**Certificate from Oxford Academy for Medical Science
**Mediance Certificate Academy of Medical Sciences
**Certified from egyptian foreign ministry
**can be certified from foreign embassy with extra fees

Duration :

1 Year, 24 lectures, 2 lectures per month, 10 lec theoretical & 14 lec
 You can get them
From anywhere in the world online

Course Outline :

# Part 1 : Normal Occlusion
* Introduction of Growth of the Face.

* Development of Dental Occlusion.

* Dental Arch Development.

# Part 2 :Classification of Malocclusion.

# Part 3 : Etiology Of Malocclusion.

# Part 4 : Getting started: Records, Examination and Structured 
- Hands-on: ceph tracing and examination

* Your orthopedic office systems

* The orthodontic examination, including muscle palpations

* The orthodontic patient

o The airway and its impact on childhood, growth and development,

health, orthodontic treatment and adulthood

o Esthetics

* Gathering orthodontic records

* Cephalometric tracing

* Ricketts ceph analysis

* Your cases

# Part 5 : Diagnosis, treatment planning and beginning treatment -
Mechanics: bracketing on models, looped arch wire

* Treatment planning and clinical considerations

o Review of "points and planes" measurements

o Skeletal classification and face typing

o Convexity in the frontal dimension

o Skeletal age vs. chronological age

o Airway and posture

o Profile and facial pattern

o Dental classification

o Problem analysis

* Mega concepts

o Class I, Class II, Class III

o Skeletal vs. dental problems

o Facial type and impact on treatment

o Extraction vs. non-extraction treatment

* Bracketing teeth

o Placement

o Sequence

o Bracketing cements

* Typodonts:

o Crowding treatment mechanics - Looped arch wire

* Your cases

# Part 6 : Case selection, Class I treatment, limited primary and
transitional dentition treatment, transverse discrepancies - Mechanics:

sectional, utility, and full arch wires

* Case selection - focus on Cl I crowded and mild Cl II

* Expansion . Maxillary Expanding Appliances

* Primary and transitional dentition treatment

o Phasing treatment . Phase I and Phase II

o Habits

o Crossbites

o The young Class III patient: Chin sling and facemask treatments

o When to consider extractions of primary canines: making your life

easier, your patients. lives better and reducing risk of canine


* Typodonts

o full arch straight wire

o Wire bending: sectionals and Utility Arch Wires

* Your cases

# Part 7 : Understanding mechanics; early development of joints and
occlusion, inter-arch A-P discrepancies, vertical discrepancies -

Mechanics: distalizing cuspids, closing spaces

* Isolating MX vs MD etiologies

* Class I tx

* Class II tx

* Challenges in mechanics:

o Anchorage

o Friction

o Deepbites and biteplates


o Distalizing molars

* Typodonts: canine retraction and contraction utilities

* Your cases

# Part 8 : Detailing the case and Retention - Mechanics: detailing 
closing wire

* Case finishing and detailing

o Root angulation - panoramic radiograph

* Retention

o Retainer designs

o Use of retainers

* Typodonts

o Detailing wire

o Closing wire

* Your cases


Cast Modeling Photographing " types of photographs - techniques - Instuments for professional photographing " Information Analysis and Classifications Cephalometric analysis " Techniques - Instruments " Advanced computer programs in Orthodontics. Cast Analysis " techniques - Instruments " Banding and Bracketing " techniques - Instruments - Materials -recent methods " cases + Treatment planning.

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